Creative Partners

A little about Jade and Vince

Vincent Osmond and Jade Manning are a Creative Director team at Special Group Sydney.

Vincent Osmond and Jade Manning



Carlton Dry
Uber Eats
Virgin Australia
Student Flights
Standard Bank


Vincent Osmond and Jade Manning are Creative Partners at newly established indie agency “Today the Brave”. The bromance ignited in 2009 at DDB Johannesburg before a successful tenure at TBWA\Hunt\Lascaris.

The duo joined DDB Sydney in 2014 where they headed up the Volkswagen business and worked across global brands such as McDonald’s, Virgin, Unilever & Skoda. During their time at DDB, they produced influential and award winning work, like the Naked Ute campaign and the much talked about ‘Too Powerful for TV’ campaign for the Volkswagen Amarok.

In 2019, Jade and Vince made the move to independent hot shop, Special Group Sydney. The two hit the ground running, and headed up the Carlton Dry, Disney, Kayo and Virgin Australia accounts. Also during their time at Special Australia they created many awarded winning campaigns for likes of uber eats but also entire rebranding of both Kathmandu and Virgin Australia.

in 2022 Vince and Jade set off from Special Group to launch Today the Brave with two founding partners Jaimes Leggett and Celia Wallace. A career-long dream come true, Vince and Jade will strive to build an agency where both creativity and people can thrive.

Follow their journey with Today the Brave:

TTB Instagram
TTB LinkedIn

Stay tuned.